Saturday, December 17, 2011


Do you have any regrets about 2011? I have many things of which I repented.haha
I was doing only Shaolinji Kempo in 2011. In the tournament, I couldn't leave the result. And December 18 is the last tournament this year. I want to do my best!!!!

And I began living alone from this year. I can't be maged housekeeping alone at all! It cooks especially. Although cooking is pleasant, it is difficult for me. 2011 finish without making lunch after all.haha
I would like to do my best in cooking next year. Because I have no money to buy my lunch every

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Something new

Have you ever played billiards? I played billiards this summer for the first time. It was very difficult as imagined. Even if it aims earnestly, it does not hit a ball!! I was too poor and my friends were laugh. However, I enjoyed myself very much. Since I also plyaed bowling on that day, I got muscular pain. I would like to plya once again. Then I would like to play well this time, so that it may not be laughed...I hope lol

Moreover, I would like to learn "KITSUKE" newly. It will be the New Year soon. A coming-of-age ceremony also occurs. I would come to like to wear a kimono by myself. Moreover, I would come to like to dress people.