Sunday, May 29, 2011

Is marriage becoming less popular in Japan?

Do you want to marry? I don't want to marry. In reacent year, many peolpe think like me.
At first marriage costs much money. In addition, it costs money after marriage. I think that people thinking single is better than marriage, because single can use money for themselves in the recession the world.
Other reason, there increase working women. They find happiness by working, and live a full life.
So I think marriage is becoming less popular in Japan.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pace of Life

Are you busy person or slowly person?
I think I'm a busy person. I hurry to do everything. Because time is limited, so I want to do what I want to do. But sometime I become soooooo tired. Originally I like living slowly. I like the country. I like time to relax alone. I will do lots of things that I want to do for the school days, and want to gradually live slowly.

I think Japanese peolpe are busy. There are many hard workers. I don't know it is good or not. But I wish that they may relax a little more.

Finally, when I feel stressed, I want to sleep. I love sleep!!! lol

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Golden Week

Did you enjoy your Golden Week? My Golden Week was really hard.
I worked almost every day. I working at UNIQLO. As you know, UNIQLO is too busy in holiday. Golden Week is one of the most busy week in one year. Sometime I work 7:15~22:30. It was sooooooooo hard!!! I really don't like it. Therefore, as for me, Golden Week is over and is relieved.
But, I was able to earn very a lot of It is really nice.haha

In addition, other than work, I went for a movie with a friend and returned to Himeji. Though I was toilsome, it was substantial Golden Week.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do children need the curfew?

I agree with this opinion. Especially, for elementary school students and junior high school students.
Of course many children don't like cufew. I didn't like it when I was child. Because I wanted to play longer.
However, I think night is dangerous to children. There are lots of strange people. And I do not want you to know more about the pleasure of the night than you should know.
In another reason, it is very important to make rules between parents. In addition, I think that it is good not to go out to play at night educationally.
So I think children need the curfew.