Saturday, December 17, 2011


Do you have any regrets about 2011? I have many things of which I repented.haha
I was doing only Shaolinji Kempo in 2011. In the tournament, I couldn't leave the result. And December 18 is the last tournament this year. I want to do my best!!!!

And I began living alone from this year. I can't be maged housekeeping alone at all! It cooks especially. Although cooking is pleasant, it is difficult for me. 2011 finish without making lunch after all.haha
I would like to do my best in cooking next year. Because I have no money to buy my lunch every

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Something new

Have you ever played billiards? I played billiards this summer for the first time. It was very difficult as imagined. Even if it aims earnestly, it does not hit a ball!! I was too poor and my friends were laugh. However, I enjoyed myself very much. Since I also plyaed bowling on that day, I got muscular pain. I would like to plya once again. Then I would like to play well this time, so that it may not be laughed...I hope lol

Moreover, I would like to learn "KITSUKE" newly. It will be the New Year soon. A coming-of-age ceremony also occurs. I would come to like to wear a kimono by myself. Moreover, I would come to like to dress people.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Foreign places

If I could go, I really want to go to Neterlands.I love the Anderson fairy tale. Some day, I watched the TV program about the Anderson fairy tale and the Netherlands. It is often heard the rows of houses of the Netherlands are lovely like a fairy tale. Moreover, I have heard that there are an object, a signal, etc. which used the character of the Anderson fairy tale as the motif. Therefore, I go to the Netherlands and think that I would like to touch the rows of houses! I also would like to go to Sweden or Finland too!!!

And I would like to go also to New Zealand, of course. I love NZ soooo much!!! I would like to go any number of times. Rather, I would like to live.haha I would like to go to New Zealand and to meet the host family and friend at the time of my having studied abroad. And I want to stay farm!!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Many people like autumn. I like autumn too. It became cold and deepened in autumn recently. I am happy, because I can eat a lot of delicious food.

What do you image about autumn? I image autumn leaves not to mention. Kyoto is famous so that everybody says speaking of autumn leaves. I will go to Kyoto on 23rd Nov with my club friends. We have no plan, but I'm sure it will be fun!!! I look forward to very much.
In addition, I love autumn flowers such as cosmos, cluster amaryllis, fragrant olive and so on. So it is the best season that to enjoy scenery. When it is autumn, I want to take a walk. I love walking!!!

I do Shaolinji. And the biggest tournament in a year is in autumn. Therefore it is a very important season for me. I can spend it being filled up very much in autumn.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Japanese University

I think Japanese University is a time for students to relax after "exam hell". Many people have a question for this. And I think so, too. However, I think that the system of the Japanese university is not bad at all. Japanese university's sutudents don't have enough study time. But I think that the system of the university is substantial. The Japanese student is called on at the time when oneself likes a college life. Study is the final act, but thinks that I am important for having such one's time before becoming a member of society.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

scary story

I am afraid of a crow since I was child. I don't know why, but I avoid it by all means if I watch a crow.
The crow is said as a symbol of the ill-omens from old days. I am afraid of that I watch a crow at dusk in particular. Do you think so? I do not dislike it particularly. However, I am afraid of a crow very much.

Monday, October 17, 2011

My favorite season

I like spring , summer , autumn and winter. Because there are a lot of good things in each season. I think tasteful in each season in Japan and can enjoy all seasons.
However my most favorite season is summer!!! I love summer!!!

First of all, I was born in summer(July).I do not know whether it is a reason, but I am strong in hot day. However, I am poor in cold day... So I often play outside like a primary schoolchild in summer. I can play for a long time in the summer because it is slow that a day falls.

Secound, fireworks are done in summer. Many festivals are also held in summer. I can go to swimming pool, and a lot of delicious things can eat. And I can go for a trip in summer vacation. There are a lot of pleasant things in this way in summer, I love it. I love National High School Baseball Championship in particular!haha

Finally, I like summer smells. I can't explain what kind of smell is,; but at all of the feeling is good. I take a walk every year in summer morning. I merely like somehow summer "feeling". Can you image? Anyway, I am excited when summer comes every year.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Summer

I was able to spend the this summer better than last summer.
First, I went to Tokyo to meet my friends. They live in Tokyo, so I can't easily meet them. I go to Tokyo and visited nowhere. Actually I wanted to go to Disneyland and wanted to go for shopping. But we had no money, so we just talked a lot in my friedn's house... But I really happy to meet them.

Secound, I went to Hawaii with my family. It was my first time to go to Hawaii. I used a lot of money to shopping and ate a delicious thing. I really enjoyed Hawaii, but I have one regret thing that I never went to beach. weather was good, location was ausome... However I was busy in shopping. I did shopping too much and my mother getting angry.haha In addition, I ate a lot of delicious food such as locomoco, pancake and so on. It is the best thing in this summer to have gone to Hawaii.

Finally, I had a very hard training of Shorinji. However It was easer than last year. I thought more hard... But is wasn't. We had 7days to training, after that we had training camp. But I didn't go to training camp this year, because I did't have enough money. I have to get part-time job. So now, I work at Book shop lol

Anyway I had a really good summer.
I want to do my best in autumn because there are a lot of big tournament of Sholinji.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Vacation

I have many plan this summer!!!!

First, I'm going to Hawaii with my family!!! I never go there, so I'm very looking forward to go!!!!X) I want to scuba diving, go shopping, eat delicious food! I can't wait!!!haha If you have been Hawaii, please tell me about Hawaii!!!

Secound, I 'm going to Tokyo to meet my friends. Many friends live in Tokyo. I want to meet all of them lol I hope I can go Disny Land with them!!!!! However, I must earn money to go to Tokyo.Therefore I must take a lot of part-time jobs.

Finally, I have lot of training of Shorinji again... Summer training is sooooooo hard!!! Maybe I can get thinner very much... I hope lol
This year we have training camp in Wakayama. I think this year is harder than last year, because I am 2nd year student... I am afraid that I can't survive this summer.haha However, I want to enjoy training camp!!!

i really looking forward this summer.
However, I must get over a test before summer vacation... I do my best!

Differences of Opinion

What is difference opinion between male and female?
Woman often take the action that man cannot understand, I think.
However, sometime I feel hard to understand the man.

My circle member( of course male member ) are vain person.
Everyone say "I can do it because I am a boy". I can't understand these phrase.
For exsample, we sometime do 'Kentate' 100 times. I can't do it. Some member can't do it unquestionably.
But they never say "I can't". They bluff.
Because my circle have only bluff gathered, I cannot understand it why they are so obstinate person.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

These Days

I have nothing special in these days...
I'm busy with homework and repot same as
I have club practice everyday, and I have part-time job after school.
I am tired recently. However, every day is substantial.

I often spend time with my club friends.
Becase we have big tournament in July. We participate together.
So we practice everyday... I enjoy it when I spend time with them.
We also have "kwan-kan sen" in this week.
I have to practice more and more.

I like Shorinji.
But I want to sometimes go out to play.
So, let's play together sometime!lol

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Is marriage becoming less popular in Japan?

Do you want to marry? I don't want to marry. In reacent year, many peolpe think like me.
At first marriage costs much money. In addition, it costs money after marriage. I think that people thinking single is better than marriage, because single can use money for themselves in the recession the world.
Other reason, there increase working women. They find happiness by working, and live a full life.
So I think marriage is becoming less popular in Japan.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pace of Life

Are you busy person or slowly person?
I think I'm a busy person. I hurry to do everything. Because time is limited, so I want to do what I want to do. But sometime I become soooooo tired. Originally I like living slowly. I like the country. I like time to relax alone. I will do lots of things that I want to do for the school days, and want to gradually live slowly.

I think Japanese peolpe are busy. There are many hard workers. I don't know it is good or not. But I wish that they may relax a little more.

Finally, when I feel stressed, I want to sleep. I love sleep!!! lol

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Golden Week

Did you enjoy your Golden Week? My Golden Week was really hard.
I worked almost every day. I working at UNIQLO. As you know, UNIQLO is too busy in holiday. Golden Week is one of the most busy week in one year. Sometime I work 7:15~22:30. It was sooooooooo hard!!! I really don't like it. Therefore, as for me, Golden Week is over and is relieved.
But, I was able to earn very a lot of It is really nice.haha

In addition, other than work, I went for a movie with a friend and returned to Himeji. Though I was toilsome, it was substantial Golden Week.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Do children need the curfew?

I agree with this opinion. Especially, for elementary school students and junior high school students.
Of course many children don't like cufew. I didn't like it when I was child. Because I wanted to play longer.
However, I think night is dangerous to children. There are lots of strange people. And I do not want you to know more about the pleasure of the night than you should know.
In another reason, it is very important to make rules between parents. In addition, I think that it is good not to go out to play at night educationally.
So I think children need the curfew.